Last modified: 2019-08-23
Ismail Hasan*, Moch. Lutfianto, M. Pd.
1, 2 Mathematic Education Departement, STKIP Al hikmah, IDONESIA.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and test (1) the effect of learning styles on mathematics learning outcomes, (2) the influence of students 'mathematics learning motivation on mathematics learning outcomes, (3) the presence or absence of mutual influence between learning styles and students' mathematics learning motivation towards mathematics learning outcomes. This research is an ex post facto study. The population of this study was all eighth-grade students of Darussyahid Middle School in Sampang in the 2018/2019 academic year. The sample in this study was class VIII B. The number of 20 students taken by cluster random sampling was chosen by one class randomly. The technique of collecting data uses the questionnaire method for learning style data and motivation to learn mathematics and documentation methods for learning outcomes data. Data analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are: (i) There is a significant effect of learning styles on students 'mathematics learning outcomes (tobs = 2.891> 2.052 = t table at 5% significance level), (ii) There is a significant effect of students' mathematics learning motivation on mathematics learning outcomes ( tobs = 2,342> 2,052 = ttable at the synergy level of 5%), (iii) There is a joint influence between students' learning styles and students' mathematics learning motivation towards students' mathematics learning (Fobs = 27,534> 3,35 = Ftable, at a significance level of 5% )