Last modified: 2019-10-09
One of the 21st century skills needed by students is scientific literacy skills. Students who take Animal Systematics courses at Unesa are trained in scientific literacy skills through scientific writing activities. This study aims to describe how to integrate the writing of scientific articles in systematic courses of animals to train scientific literacy in biology students. The method of this research is descriptive by using 11 articles produced by Biology students in 2016 and 33 respondents from that class. The instruments used were article assessment sheets and questionnaire sheets of respondents. The analysis was carried out in quantitative descriptive. The results obtained are 11 articles that have a score with a mode of more than 75 which indicates that the article meets the criteria of a good article. The respondents gave positive responses to scientific literacy training activities through scientific article writing. The conclusion of this study is that the integration of writing scientific articles in a systematic course of animals can be used to train scientific literacy in Unesa biology students