Last modified: 2019-10-09
Globalization that has grown rapidly in 21st century makes Indonesia's economic growth increased significantly. It has showed the increasingly competitive workforce of the 21st century in Indonesia.Therefore, individuals are expected to have more skills to survive in the 21st century, ‘7Cs Skills’. The important skills are creativity and communication skill. The dimention of creativity is process, person and product. The indicators of creativity consist of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. This reseach aims to analyse the effect of Problem Based Learning with Gallery Walk Strategy  to creativity and communiction skills in physics. This reseach was conducted to two groups of students that consisted of 30 students. The groups were assumed to have the same level of knowledge and skills. Data was gotten by observation, quesionaire and the learning outcomes. The learning outcome was poster that was also used as the learning media. The results showed that the implementation of PBL with Gallery Walk strategy was able to enhance the creativity and communication skill of students. Using manual poster was more effective to enhance creativity and communication skills of students.