Last modified: 2019-10-13
The aim of this study is to develop the learning devices with Etnoid assisted guided inquiry models of eighth grade students in the second semester in SMPN 2 Ngunut Tulungagung. This research was conducted in two stages, the first is the preparation stage which aims to develop the device following the 4-D design model from Thiagarajan (1974) followed by the implementation stage of learning in the classroom using the pretest posttest design. The validation test consisted of media validation tests which conducted by the expert media lecturers from the chemistry department and one junior high school science teacher, and the material validation test was conducted by the material experts from the Science Study Program lecturers. The learning phase was carried out by involving 30 students of eighth grade at SMPN 2 Ngunut who had taken the material of vibration and waves.
The development result of this study is in the form of learning tools with the Etnoid assisted guided inquiry model. The validation test result of the learning implementation plan amounted to 89% with very feasible categories, syllabus validation by 85% with very feasible categories, questions validation by 94% with very feasible categories, Etnoid media validation by 94% with very feasible categories, the result of trial readability of 98.6% with very feasible categories and prestest posttest learning outcomes data at 0.703 with a high category. Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be generally concluded that the learning device with the Etnoid assisted guided inquiry model that has been developed has met very decent criteria, so that it helps improve students' high-level thinking skills, but still needs to adjust to the situation and conditions in school.