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Science Literacy Competence Identification of Prospective Chemistry Teacher: Science Perspective from PISA 2015
Last modified: 2019-10-09
This research aimed to identify aspects of science literacy competence of prospective teachers of chemistry which consists of three competencies: 1) describes the phenomenon of science, 2) evaluate and design a scientific investigation, and 3) interpret the data and evidence in scientific. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods. The research sample consisted of 50 students in chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Science and mathematics education IKIP Mataram, Indonesia. Science Literacy data collected by using basic chemistry test that used by lecturers it self. The results showed that the average science literacy achievement of prospective chemistry teacher on the competencies of science explain the phenomenon of 65, 60% with good criteria, evaluate and design a scientific investigation of 50, 64% with less criteria, and interpret data and scientific evidence of 42, 30% less criteria. So it can be concluded that the prospective chemistry teacher had a good science literacy on the competency explains the phenomenon of science, less on competency evaluating and designing scientific investigations in interpreting data and scientific evidence.
Science Literacy, Prospective Chemistry Teacher