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Exploration of Materia Medica: Field Trip at the Biotechnology Learning
Last modified: 2019-10-09
Field trips provide an opportunity to learn about life in the real world through exploration activities. This descriptive study aims to explain the field trip activities to increase the motivation and quality of biotechnology courses. The participants in this study were 97 science students who took part in biotechnology lectures in East Java in Indonesia. The response to student inquiry is used as an instrument of inquiry. Text form data were analyzed descriptively with NVivo 12 for window software. The results of the analysis show that popular motivations that are called to kneel together are meaningless, cannot be forgotten, meaningful by giving new experience and knowledge in making traditional herbal medicines, the introduction of medicinal plants that were never taught during college, and directly seeing expert tissue culture processes. However, managing time is the most popular obstacle. The conclusion of this study is that the field trip to Batu Materia Medica can increase the motivation and quality of biotechnology learning.
biotechnology; field trips; motivation; learning quality;