Last modified: 2019-10-08
Abstract. This study aims to (1) develop learning tools for OrSAVe models to improve tsunami disaster mitigation skills, (2) implement learning tools for OrSAVe models to improve tsunami disaster mitigation skills, (3) improve skills evacuate students about the practice of saving themselves in the event of a tsunami, (4 ) describe the response of students after joining the OrSAVe model learning activities to improve tsunami disaster mitigation skills. This research is a type of development research. This research uses the design of the One Group Pretest-Posttest. Research procedures used in this study refers to the type of 4-D development which includes the (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. However, in this study the researchers only execute until the develop. This testing phase was carried out at State Junior High School 1 Besuki. Tested to 15 class VII students. The selection of samples was chosen from the population with purposive random sampling technique. The types of data obtained are qualitative and quantitative data. Based on the research conducted, the development of OrSAVe model learning devices to improve tsunami mitigation skills can be applied in This testing phase was carried out at State Junior High School 1 Besuki in Tulungagung Regency because in Tulungagung district is a district prone to tsunamis because the area is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and has the potential to experience a tsunami. Learning activities at State Junior High School 1 Besuki have never implemented evacuation skills learning in the event of a tsunami so that tsunami mitigation skills can be applied. The concept of tsunami disaster mitigation will be easily understood if explained using the OrSAVe learning model.