Last modified: 2020-09-21
The purpose of this article is to explain the results of a study of effective teaching strategies in learning science in the classroom based on classroom discourse and relevant research. The method used is the literature review by collecting and reviewing the results of scientific studies about learning science in class. The results of this study reveal that there is four general patterns in teaching science in class, namely 1) the way the teacher explains science material in front of the class is by get rid the use common IRE (initiation, response, evaluation), use ‘turn taking’ and ‘wait time’ strategy, use the pronoun of ‘we’/ use ‘hedges’, use metadiscourse; 2) the way the teacher organizes student group discussions is by giving attention to the leadership style of the group leader and build culture meaning; 3) the way the teacher asks questions and responds to students' answers is by remain open minded about any student's answer from a science question, be patient and give students the opportunity to explore their knowledge, and stimulating student's productive thinking with the concept of IRFRF (initiation-response-feedback-response-feedback); and 4) the way the teacher accustoms science attitudes to students is by build a student's scientific attitude early, familiarize students with the concept of POE (prediction - observation - explain), familiarize students with being skeptical (suspicious of something), and to recognize the importance of interpretation in science and to be able to share their findings. This article will explain in detail several ways of teaching science in class that can be used as a reference for science teachers.