Last modified: 2020-09-21
Environmental problems, especially the marine environment, are very worrying issues, and most are caused by human activity. Problems arise caused a lack of concern for the future of the environment or a caring attitude towards the environment. This study aim is to describe the relationship between knowledge and the attitude of caring for the marine environment owned by students, after learning based on oceanographic literacy. The subjects in this study were 30 students in class VII in the area near Paciran beach. Data collection for students' knowledge uses the assignment assessment of poster making and uses questionnaire sheets for student attitudes. Based on the results of the study, 9 data students got poster scores in the very good knowledge category with a very strong attitude category, 13 students in the good knowledge category with 12 students had a very strong attitude category, and one person categorized as a strong attitude, 6 students in the category enough knowledge with very strong attitude categories, the remaining 2 students with less knowledge categories get very strong attitude categories and one of them is strong. Based on calculations using SPSS, the ability of knowledge and attitudes to care for the environment have a positive correlation with a score of 0.695 which is included in the strong category. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the knowledge of the marine environment owned by students and the attitude of caring for the marine environment.