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The Effectiveness of Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Learning Model on Students’ Working Memory Capacity
Last modified: 2020-07-20
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model to improve students' working memory capacity (WMC). This research was conducted using a pre-experimental research, that is one group pre-test and post-test design. The data to look for effectiveness was obtained through operations span tasks and student activity questionnaires consisting of 5 aspects (visual activities, oral activities, writing activities, listening activities, and mental activities). Then, the data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of students’s working memory capacity before getting the MMP learning model (initial WMC) is still in the "low" category. The mean score of students’s working memory capacity after receiving the MMP learning model (final WMC) increases in the "high" category. The increase was shown quantitatively by normalized gain (N-gain) of an average of 0.58 in the medium criteria. The dependent t-test results showed a p-value (significance) of 0,000 (<0.05). This means that there are significant differences from the beginning and end of the students’s working memory capacity in the mathematics learning process. From the students activeness questionnaire, it was found that student activity was in the strong criteria. It can be concluded that the MMP learning model is effective on students’s working memory capacity.
memory capacity, Missouri Mathematics Project, student activity