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Understanding of the Definite Integral Concepts of Prospective Teacher Students through Action and Processes Based on Gender Differences
Last modified: 2020-09-21
This research is a qualitative research that aim to understand the integral concepts of prospective teacher students through actions and processes in terms of gender differences. The research subjects consisted of one female and one male student in the Mathematics Education Department at Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja. Data were collected through the assignment sheet and continued by interview. After analyzing the data, it was found that the actions of the female subjects were procedural, by completing the integral task using the appropriate formula. For the task of determining the wide area under a curve, female subject immediately use the integral formula which she thought appropriate without noticing the shape and laying out the area created by the curve. Male subject actions showed the integral calculations using the appropriate formula. For the task of determining the area under a curve, male subjects first describe the shape of a curve so that he was able to see the shape and consider placing the area to further determine the area using an appropriate integral formula. In the process, the female subject first notice the shape of the form of the integrals given and then explained the steps for completing the integrals. To calculate the area under the curve, female subject explain the steps explained using definite integrals with the upper and lower limits specified in the problem. While for the process, the male subject explained the steps of the integral calculation completed by the reasons for using the formula after identifying the given integral form. When the male subject calculated the area, he explained the shape and location of the area governed by the curve given. After that, he explained the steps in calculating the area using an definite integral.
Definite Integral, Action, Process.