Science and Technology
Simple Glucose Measurement System Based on Uncladded Fiber Bragg Grating Etched with Nitric Acid | |
Asnawi - Mas'oed, Endah Rahmawati, Nur Qomariyah, Nur Abdillah Siddiq, Sib Krishna Goshals, Yono Hadi Pramono |
Science Education
Project based learning in media development course to improve the argumentation skills of prospective physics teachers | |
Gunawan Gunawan, Ahmad Harjono, Hairunisyah Sahidu, Lovy Herayanti, Fathoroni Fathoroni |
Learning Management System with Moodle to Enhance Creativity of Prospective Physics Teacher | |
Gunawan Gunawan, Hairunisyah Sahidu, Ahmad Harjono, Susilawati Susilawati, Lovy Herayanti |
Model of project based learning with computer simulations to improve the conceptual understanding of prospective science teachers | |
Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Gunawan Gunawan, Muhlis Muhlis, Prapti Sedijani, Yunita Arian Sani Anwar |
Investigating students' critical thinking dispositions based on gender in physics teaching with interactive multimedia | |
Gunawan Gunawan, Ahmad Harjono, Lovy Herayanti, Sadam Husein, Fathoroni Fathoroni |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia