e-ISBN 978-602-0951-28-7 | ||
Preface |
Cover |
Preface Pages |
Papers | ||
Application of Tsunami early warning system as disaster mitigation in Bajul Mati - Gajahrejo, Malang |
1-7 |
A B Mashuda, A D Pradipta, and H Herdianto
The Effect of Infrasonic Wave Exposure (8-12 Hz) on The Immune System (Immunoglobulin M and G) in Mice |
8-15 |
A D Pradipta
The Effect of Hybrid Learning Model on Learning Outcomes for Computer Aided Fashion Design Courses–2019 |
14-20 |
Fadlilah Indira Sari, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, and Luthfiyah Nurlaela
Deep Learning for Face Identification |
21-26 |
K Fithriasari and U S Nuraini
Convolution of MACD + RSI based on Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution to create the “Raffasya v.1.0” as investment decision during Brexit deal 2019 |
27-32 |
H Herdianto and F Poernamawatie
Description of self-concepts, learning anxiety and mathematics learning achievement for students of 5th grade elementary school |
33-39 |
A Syamsuddin, N Aisyah S, and I Akib
Improve the Ability of Mathematical Understanding on Vocational Students in Kuningan by Using Mathematics Learning with Maple Software |
40-46 |
R Yuliardi, N Azizah, and A Rosyid
The Restaurant Laboratory Managemant System Application On Cognitive Domain |
47-50 |
Siti Yuliana, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, and Sri Handajani
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model of Food Cutting Competency toward the Student Learning Outcomes of Class X at SMKP YPM 2 Taman in Sidoarjo, Based on the Learning Motivation |
51-58 |
Dinia Apriliani, Rita Ismawati, and TheodorusWiyanto W
Application of Convolutional Neural Networks Method in Predicting Pneumonia Diseases Based on X-Ray Test Results |
59-65 |
R P Yuda, C Aroef, Z Rustam, and H Alatas
Students mathematical literacy analysis in solving word problem based on problem solving DAPIC (define, assess, plan, implement, communicate) in the material of linear systems in three variabels |
66-74 |
Riky Prasetia Wijaya, Mega Teguh Budiarto, and Pradnyo Wijayanti
Profile Number Sense of 5th Grade Students in terms of Fraction Subject based on Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Style | 75-79 | |
Risa Mariana |
Analysis of Strategic Competence Students Melancholy mode in Solving Problems in Mathematics in Comparison | 80-85 | |
Laikha Sari, Eko Yuli Tatag Siswono, and Manuharawati |
Reasoning and Problem Solving Geometry of Primary School Teacher Education Student’s Through Polya’s Stage: Carrying out the Plan | 86-92 | |
Rosdiana |
Application of teaching-learning-based cuckoo search (TLCS) algorithm on vehicle routing problem | 93-97 | |
A Sasmito and M Hafiruddin |
Validating Technology Attitude Scale for Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers: Rasch Person & Item Fit Analysis | 98-106 | |
Yulia Linguistika |
The Skill Of Sixth Grade Students To Use Multiple Representations in Addition and Subtraction Operations in Fractions | 107-116 | |
Chodarusman Aliyasin, Raden Sulaiman, and Masriyah |
Analysis of Student’s Epistemic Cognition in Solving Mathematical Problem Viewed from Field Independent and Field Dependent Cognitive Style | 117-124 | |
Kharisma Isrozia Kusumawardhan, Mega Teguh Budiarto, and Raden Sulaiman |
The Development Of Biological Learning Tool Based On Scientific Approach To Improve Students’ Learning Outcome | 125-130 | |
Mohammad Sukri, Rudiana Agustin, and I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Implementation of Blended Learning on Basic Programming at Vocational High Schools | 131-135 | |
Z F Hakim, Munoto, and I G P A Buditjahjanto |
Analysis Ability Analytical And Synthesis Thinking of Pupils In Geometry Problem Solving With Advance Organize Model | 136-142 | |
Aning Wida Yanti |
The Modelling of Building Reliability of Menara Kudus Mosque Based on User Perception | 143-148 | |
Agung Sedayu and Ach. Gat. Gautama | ||
The Assessment of Building Facilities Reliability of Islamic Boarding School In Sidogiri Pasuruan | 149-154 | |
Agung Sedayu and Ach. Gat. Gautama |
Profile Number Sense of 5th Grade Students in terms of Fraction Subject based on Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Style |
75 |
Risa Mariana |
Analysis of Strategic Competence Students Melancholy mode in Solving Problems in Mathematics in Comparison |
80 |
Laikha Sari, Eko Yuli Tatag Siswono, and Manuharawati |
Reasoning and Problem Solving Geometry of Primary School Teacher Education Student’s Through Polya’s Stage: Carrying out the Plan |
86 |
Rosdiana |
Application of teaching-learning-based cuckoo search (TLCS) algorithm on vehicle routing problem |
93 |
A Sasmito and M Hafiruddin |
Validating Technology Attitude Scale for Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers: Rasch Person & Item Fit Analysis |
98 |
Yulia Linguistika |
The Skill Of Sixth Grade Students To Use Multiple Representations in Addition and Subtraction Operations in Fractions |
107 |
Chodarusman Aliyasin, Raden Sulaiman, and Masriyah |
Analysis of Student’s Epistemic Cognition in Solving Mathematical Problem Viewed from Field Independent and Field Dependent Cognitive Style |
117 |
Kharisma Isrozia Kusumawardhan, Mega Teguh Budiarto, and Raden Sulaiman |
The Development Of Biological Learning Tool Based On Scientific Approach To Improve Students’ Learning Outcome |
125 |
Mohammad Sukri, Rudiana Agustin, and I Gusti Made Sanjaya |
Implementation of Blended Learning on Basic Programming at Vocational High Schools |
131 |
Z F Hakim, Munoto, and I G P A Buditjahjanto |
Analysis Ability Analytical And Synthesis Thinking of Pupils In Geometry Problem Solving With Advance Organize Model |
136 |
Aning Wida Yanti |
Aning Wida Yanti |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia