Pure and Applied Mathematics
Comparison of Confidence Intervals for the TG Estimator in Capture-recapture Data | |
Orasa Anan, Preedaporn Kanjanasamranwong, Wanpen Chantarangsri, A’yunin Sofro |
Mathematics Education
Reflective Abstraction Student of Middle School in Reconstructing Quadratic Equation Concepts Based On High Mathematical Ability | |
Lailatul Cahyani, masriyah masriyah, endah budi rahaju |
Science Education
The Effectiveness of Guided Discovery Based Learning Materials to Increase Students’ Learning Outcomes | |
Devi Evylia Purmawanti, Utiya Azizah, Sari Edi Cahyaningrum |
Students’ Science Process Skill in Thermochemistry using Module of 5E Learning Cycle Integrated with STEM | |
Nirmala - Chayati |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia