Pure and Applied Mathematics
Multivariable Semiparametric Regression with Combined Estimator of Truncated Spline and Fourier Series (Case Study: Mean Years Schooling of Regency in Java) | |
Helida Nurcahayani, I Nyoman Budiantara, Ismaini Zain |
Science and Technology
Agata J.I. Bari |
The Development of Lesson Plan to Apply Direct Instruction Model and Multisim Software to Improve Science Process Skill of Vocational School Students | |
I.G.P. Asto Buditjahjanto, Eki Pristiyanto |
The Effectiveness of Variations in Nutrients on The Growth of Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) Hydroponic. | |
sari kusuma dewi, yuni sri rahayu, ahmad bashri |
Development of Optical Fiber Sensor Performance as a Tool to Determine Cholesterol Concentration | |
mohammad budiyanto, aris rudi purnomo, wahyu budi sabtiawan, moh. yasin, Suhariningsih Suhariningsih |
Computer Science
Testing of Image Resolution Enhancement Techniques using Bi-Cubic Spatial Domain Interpolation | |
Muhammad Arief Bustomi |
Mathematics Education
Metacognition behavior of junior high school students in solving algebraic problems in terms of mathematical abilities | |
Blandina Bani |
Hybrid Learning versus Traditional Course in Higher Education: Students’ achievement and Students’ experiences | |
Rudianto Artiono, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Yuliani Puji Astuti |
The problems solving skills of prospective math teacher based on mathematics anxiety level | |
Dwi Juniati, I Ketut Budayasa |
Working Memory Capacity and Mathematics Achievement of Mathematics Students | |
I Ketut Budayasa, Dwi Juniati |
Science Education
Analysis of Students’ Scientific Attitudes for 5th Grade Elementary School in Science Learning | |
Irfandi Irfandi, Patta Bundu, Agustan Syamsuddin |
Application of Creative Responsibility Based Learning Model to Improve Creativity in Vocational High School | |
Denok Ayu Lestari, Ismet Basuki, Meini Sondang |
Analysis of Formal Reasoning Ability for Knowledge Competencies of Vocational Students | |
Ayu Zulaikha Hidayati, Ismet Basuki, IGP Asto Buditjahjanto |
University Students’ Misconception in Electromagnetism | |
Della S. Bestiantono, Elok H. Sa’diyah, Renny Rachmatya, Husni Mubarok, Alif S Adam, Nadi Suprapto |
The Importance of Data Literacy Competence for Vocational High School Students in the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ERA 4.0 | |
Mohammad Zainal Sabarudin, Ismet Basuki |
Science Literacy Competence Identification of Prospective Chemistry Teacher: Science Perspective from PISA 2015 | |
Suryati - Suryati, Y Khery, B A Nufida, S Rahayu, E Budiasih |
Pre-service Physics Teachers Perception about Concept Map, Mind map, and Link Map for Innovative Learning | |
Nurita Apridiana Lestari, Budi - Jatmiko, Dwikoranto - Dwikoranto, Utama Alan Deta, Binar Kurnia Prahani, Rayendra Wahyu Bachtiar |
Enhancing of Aerobic Capacity using High Intensity Interval Training | |
Nining Widyah Kusnanik, Fajrin Fajrin, Stephen P Bird |
Computer Science Education
Implementation of Blended Learning on Basic Programming at Vocational High Schools | Untitled |
zaima faiza hakim, Munoto Munoto, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia