Pure and Applied Mathematics
A Definition for convergence of sequence of n-dimentional subspaces of an inner product space | |
Manuharawati Manuharawati, Dwi Nur Yunianti, Muhammad Jakfar |
metrics on The G-metric Space | |
Muhammad Jakfar, Manuharawati Manuharawati, Manuharawati Manuharawati, Dwi Nur Yunianti, Dwi Nur Yunianti, Mei Dita Kumala, Mei Dita Kumala |
Dynamically Consistent Non Standard Finite Difference Discretization of Mathematical Model on Smoking | |
Indah Yanti |
Science and Technology
In Vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Linn. Through seeds As An Explant in Various Culture Growth Medium | |
yuliani yuliani, Fida Rachmadiarti, Sari Kusuma Dewi, Mahanani Tri Asri |
Chlorogenic acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H.Robinson] on the Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations | |
Leny Yuanita, Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Prima Retno Wikandari |
Development of Optical Fiber Sensor Performance as a Tool to Determine Cholesterol Concentration | |
mohammad budiyanto, aris rudi purnomo, wahyu budi sabtiawan, moh. yasin, Suhariningsih Suhariningsih |
Computer Science
Application of Convolutional Neural Networks Method in Predicting Pneumonia Diseases Based on X-Ray Test Results | |
Rivan Pratama Yuda, Zuherman Rustam, Chelvian Aroef, Hamimah Alatas |
Mathematics Education
Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Devices Based on Flipped Classroom to Improve Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability Students in Class XI Padang High School | |
triwani triwani, Edwin Musdi, yerizon yerizon |
Student’s Multiple Representation on Solving Addition and Subtraction in Fraction | |
Titis Wulan Yuliani |
Deduction Level of Undergraduate Students’ Imagination in Solving Geometrical Problem | |
Muhammad Mahfut, Sunardi Sunardi, Erfan Yudianto, Risky Cahyo Purnomo, Frenza Fairuz Firmansyah |
The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge | |
Budi Priyo Prawoto, rudianto artiono, dwi nur yunianti |
Analysis Ability Analytical And Synthesis Thinking of Pupils In Geometry Problem Solving With Advance Organize Model | XML |
aning wida yanti |
Improve the Ability of Mathematical Understanding on Vocational Students in Kuningan by Using Mathematics Learning with Maple Software | XML |
Ricki Yuliardi |
Science Education
Scientific Literacy of students on Dynamic Fluid Material Through Inquiry-Based Learning for STEM Education | |
Lia Yuliati, Cikita Bella Nurbaya, Sutopo Sutopo, Endang Purwaningsih, Yessi Affriyenni, Lilia Halim |
Scientific Literacy of Students on Geometric Optical Within Fenomenon-Based Experiential Learning | |
Tuti Resri Yanti, Lia Yuliati, Hari Wisodo |
Gigih Besar Mukti Raharja, Wasis Wasis, Leny Yuanita |
The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Model to Improve Science Process Skills | |
Adnin Ulfa Yunianti, Wasis Wasis, Mohamad Nur |
The Effectiveness of Learning by Using Investigation Based Multiple Representation (IBMR) Models to Improve Physics Problem Solving Skills | |
Desfhie Yolenta, Budi Jatmiko, Tjipto Prastowo |
Identification and Determine of α-amylase and β-amylase enzyme activity from Amylolytic Bacteria Indigenous from Sago Waste | |
Pramita Yakub |
Chemical Materials Mastery of High School Students in East Java | |
Bertha Yonata |
Development of Student Worksheets Using Inquiry Based Learning Model with Scientific Approach to Improve Class X High School Physics Competence | |
Yulkifli Yulkifli |
Improve Student’s Creative Thinking Skill Through Blended Learning using Schoology | |
Fikky Dian Roqobih, Yuliani Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Guided Inquiry-based to Train Creative Thinking Skills of Students (High School) | |
rela setyawati oktavia rela oktavia, yuni sri rahayu yuni rahayu, yuliani yuliani yuliani |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia