Science and Technology
Adaptability of Pre-Service Biology Teachers to Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Ulfi Faizah |
Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members during Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Reni Ambarwati, Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati, Isnawati Isnawati, Nur Kuswanti |
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) of Marine Biota: A Preliminary Study of Possible Chance for Therapy of SARS-COV-2 Infection | |
Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Firas Khaleyla, Wisanti Wisanti, Eva Kristinawati Putri |
Ultrasound Assisted Interesterification for Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil and Methyl Acetate: Optimization using RSM | |
Ansori Ansori, Mahfud Mahfud |
Case Study on Waste Pollution in Supit Urang Landfill Malang and Waste Education Village Development | |
Eka Imbia Agus Diartika, Sueb Sueb, Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar |
The Effect of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Based Metallic Catalytic Converter on the Four-Stroke Motorcycle Engine Performance | |
Warju Warju, Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto, Muhammad Nurtanto |
Natural Inhibitors to Increase the Antioxidant Activity of Yacon Tubers Syrup | |
Leny Yuanita, Prima Retno Wikandari, Dewi Prastiwi, Raymond Ivano Avandi, Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari, Erlix Rahmat Purnama, Eka Yulia Maulidah |
Pure and Applied Mathematics
Mathematical study for an infectious disease with awareness-based SIS-M model | |
Safira Latifah, Dipo Aldila, Wed Giyarti, Hengki Tasman |
Mathematical Model of Malaria Superinfection Transmission with Medical Treatment and Fumigation Interventions | |
Evllyn Tamalia, Dipo Aldila, Gianinna Ardaneswari |
Effect of Healthy Life Campaigns on Controlling Obesity Transmission: A Mathematical Study | |
Delavani ., Dipo Aldila, Bevina Desjwiandra Handari |
Consistent Estimation of the Distribution and the Density Function of Waiting Time of a Cyclic Poisson Process | |
Fatimah Azzahra |
The Effect of Large Scale Social Restriction to The Dynamics of Corona Virus Disease in Surabaya, Indonesia | |
Rudianto Artiono, Budi Priyo Prawoto, Dayat Hidayat, Dwi Nur Yunianti |
Determination of Online Learning System to Support Social Distancing to Prevent The Spread of COVID-19 using Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS | |
Yuliani Puji Astuti, Raden Sulaiman, Budi Rahadjeng, Dwi Nur Yunianti |
Application of Hyperparameter on Polynomial Regression Model via MCMC and INLA | |
Hery Tri Sutanto, Henny Pramoedyo, Wayan Surya Wardhani, Suci Astutik |
Computer Science
A simple model for the growth rate of Covid-19 in Indonesia based on a curve trend generated by spreadsheet | |
mita anggaryani, Tjipto Prastowo, Madlazim Madlazim, Supardiyono Supardiyono, Asnawi Asnawi |
Power Electric Consumption Monitoring Based on IOT | |
widi aribowo, Supari Muslim, Bambang Suprianto, Ismet Basuki, Subuh Haryudo, Unit Three Kartini |
Mathematics Education
Example and Experience of a Mathematical Modelling Activity: The Hip Roof Problem | |
Tian Abdul Aziz |
The Creativity Skill of Junior High School Students in Solving Problem of Cube and Cuboid’s Matter Based on Learning Styles | |
The Effectiveness of Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Learning Model on Students’ Working Memory Capacity | |
deka anjariyah |
Rooselyna Ekawati, Madlazim Madlazim, mohammad Budiyanto, Nur Ducha, Amaria Amaria |
Reasoning of Student with Logical Mathematical and Visual Spatial Intelligence in Geometric Problem Solving | |
Jafar Abdul Aziz, Dwi Juniati, Pradnyo Wijayanti |
Choosing dy or dx ? Students' Preference for Constructing Integral Form on Area-related Problem | |
Dayat Hidayat, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Rudianto Artiono |
Mathematical Reasoning Structure of Middle School Students in solving Problems Reviewed Based on Working Memory Capacity | |
INELSI PALENGKA', Dwi Juniati, Abadi Abadi |
Understanding of the Definite Integral Concepts of Prospective Teacher Students through Action and Processes Based on Gender Differences | |
EVY LALAN LANGI', Dwi Juniati, Abadi Abadi |
Science Education
From Offline to Online Learning: Various Efforts to Secure the Learning Process during Covid 19 Pandemic | |
Ulfi Faizah, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Identification of Scientific Attitude on Senior High School Students in Solubility and Solubility Product Concept | |
Ernita Vika Aulia |
Software Preference for Online Learning of Science and Biology Teacher under COVID-19 PSBB Measure | |
Firas Khaleyla, Wisanti Wisanti, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Eva Kristinawati Putri |
Online Classes Managed by Science Junior High School Teachers in Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Firas Khaleyla, Wisanti Wisanti, Eva Kristinawati Putri |
Biology Online Classes During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia | |
Eva Kristinawati Putri, Wisanti Wisanti, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Firas Khaleyla |
Implementation of Online Learning for the Development of Gawai-Based Interactive Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Hasan Subekti, Wahono Widodo, Siti Nurul Hidayati, Ernita Vika Aulia, Muhamad Arif Mahdiannur |
Science Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Difficulties and Challenges | |
wisanti wisanti, Reni Ambarwati, Eva Kristinawati Putri, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Firas Khaleyla |
Improving Students Understanding on Fluid Dynamics through IBL-STEM Model with Formative Assessment | |
Parno Parno, Gilang Adi Permana, Arif Hidayat, Marlina Ali |
E-learning Based on Framework for 21st Century Learning and STEM Curriculum at FMIPA – Universitas Negeri Surabaya as The Center of Distance Learning: A Framework | |
Abadi Abadi, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Endang - Susantini, Pradnyo - Wijayanti, Rusly - Hidayah |
Teachers’ Views about Nature of Science (NOS) Using Reconceptualised Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science (RFN) Questionnaire | |
Haifa Azninda, Raharjo Raharjo, Titin Sunarti |
Tomini Bay as a Source of Chemistry Learning | |
Sandy Abdi Kusumah, Sri Atun, Hari Sutrisno |
I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana, Rudiana Agustini, Muslimin Ibrahim, I Nyoman Tika |
Lecturers Adaptation in an Online Learning related to Science and Mathematics-related Courses in the Teacher Undergraduate Program: A Tale from Two University in the COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Muhamad Arif Mahdiannur, Irianto Aras, Jero Budi Darmayasa |
Analysis of Undergraduate Mathematic Students’ Understanding on Microscopic Representation of General Chemistry Lecture Based on Their Scientific Reasoning Ability | |
The Implementation of Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) Learning Model to Improve Scientific Argumentation Skills of High School Student | |
Setyo Admoko, Nur Hanifah, Nadi Suprapto, Eko Hariyono, Madlazim Madlazim |
An Effort to Train the Biological Computation Skill and Teach Animal Phenetic Taxonomy to Pre-Service Biology Teacher | |
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah |
Computer Science Education
Exploring the psychometric properties of computational thinking assessment in introductory programming | |
Yeni Anistyasari |
Development of Learning Media Based on Digital and Analogue in Electrical and Electronic Basic Learning to Improve Employability Skills | |
Edy Sulistiyo, Fendi Ahmad, R P Wirawan, Martini Dwi Endah Susanti, Rindu Puspita Wibawa, Setya Chendra Wibawa |
Organized by
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-1 Building, Ketintang Campus, Ketintang St., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia